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Performance plastics are made from petrochemicals, which is a broad term for chemicals made from petroleum, fossil fuels, or sometimes renewable sources like corn or sugarcane. PVC plastic—or polyvinyl, number four on our list of chlor-alkali chemicals—is a petrochemical performance plastic.
PVC is made through a series of chemical reactions, one of which requires the chlor-alkali process. It starts with chlorine, which is reacted with ethylene. Ethylene, found in natural gas and crude oil, is what makes PVC a petrochemical.

Americans are consuming less and less dairy, swapping in sodas, juices, and milk substitutes for the traditional cream the milkman used to deliver every morning, and it’s having an effect on the dairy industry. Borden Dairy, a milk-producing giant filed for bankruptcy in January of 2020 and is currently undergoing reorganization, only a few months after Dean Foods declared bankruptcy in 2019.
But it’s not just Big Dairy that’s suffering. Small farms scattered across Wisconsin are taking a hit, too, with almost 1,500 Wisconsin dairy farms closing in the past two years.

At the turn of the 20th century, there were just over 8,000 automobiles in the United States. By 1910 that number had grown to nearly 500,000. Today there are over 285 million motor vehicles on the road.

Dixon is proud to announce that Dixon Eagle has received ISO 9001:2015 certification for the design and manufacture of their bellows seal valves.

Prior to COVID-19, maritime transport was responsible for shipping over 11 billion tons of cargo around the world each year. Because of the Coronavirus pandemic, this volume is expected to decrease by 5% or more in 2020, but once conditions return to normal, the United Nations projects steady growth of the industry over the next decade.

Dixon Sanitary will be exhibiting at the 2020 Unified Wine & Grape Symposium from February 5-6 at the Cal Expo in Sacramento, California. The expo encompasses a wide range of products related to the wine and grape industry and includes international representation in sessions and exhibits. Visit us at booth P2220.

Dixon-manufactured lead-free parts, made with brass alloy C27450, are NSF®/ANSI 61 certified. Certification ensures that our lead-free products meet the regulatory requirements for drinking water system components for the U.S. and Canada.
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Dixon is pleased to introduce several new members to our sales team.

Visit Dixon at booth 5321 during the NACS/PEI (National Association of Convenience Stores/Petroleum Equipment Institute) Show from October 2-4 in Atlanta, GA.

Dixon Quick Coupling will be exhibiting at the International Construction and Utility Equipment Exposition in Louisville, KY from October 1-3. Visit us at booth 4660. Dixon Quick Coupling is a leading manufacturer of hydraulic and pneumatic quick disconnect couplings.